In the bustling city of Delhi, Gupshup hosted its flagship event, Conversations 2024, on June 20, 2024. This exceptional gathering united tech luminaries, industry leaders, and marketing visionaries with a shared mission: to reimagine conversations in a rapidly evolving virtual landscape.

Conversations are simultaneously simplifying and getting more complex in today’s digital age. The average mobile user receives at least 5 calls daily and spends over 3 and a half hours engrossed in their smartphones. With the proliferation of mobile applications and chat platforms, brands are constantly striving to maintain omnipresence and relevance among their customers.

Conversations 2024 offered a unique opportunity to engage with platform experts from Google and Meta. Attendees gained valuable insights into how innovative conversational AI-driven solutions are reshaping the future of seamless interactions.

Saurabh Agrawal , CEO DAIOM Technologies spoke about driving 2X ROI from digital marketing

Here are the key 5 points that he focused on :

  1. Reimagine the lead funnel by use of Click to Chat Ads : helps improve CPL by 2-3 X
  2. Utilize the free conversation window in whatsapp for 24 – 72 hrs – 30% improvement in CTR
  3. Powerful Copywriting with strong hooks and compelling narratives and media can drive 50% improvements in open rate and CTRs.
  4. Organize and tap into full 1st party data beyond just customers esp leads – Reduces CPL
  5. Monitor the campaign performance not at a monthly level but real time at a campaign level.
Driving 2X RoI from digital marketing

The event was full of valuable insights and product demos on cutting edge Conversational ai, marketing and commerce. The event was opened with Beerud Sheth’s, (CoFounder & CEO, Gupshup)  keynote address on powering growth in the era of conversational internet followed by Gaurav Kacchawa’s (Chief Product Officer, Gupshup)session on reimagining digital customer engagement.  

In addition to the speaker sessions and panel discussions, there were two masterclasses also organised during the event. One of the classes was focused on Maximizing Your Ad ROI with Chat Ads. It offered a comprehensive guide to leveraging Ads that Click to WhatsApp for enhanced engagement, conversions, and ROI. Industry experts shared strategies, best practices, and real-world examples demonstrating the effectiveness of Chat Ads in diverse marketing scenarios. 

Saurabh Agrawal shared his insights and strategies on maximising Ad RoI through Click to Whatsapp Ads

The other masterclass focused on  Building Generative AI Bots. It provided a comprehensive exploration of creating Generative AI bots that engage customers through meaningful conversations . The session covered the fundamental principles of generative AI, offering hands-on tutorials for developing and deploying AI bots. This class empowered participants to leverage the potential of generative AI to enhance customer interactions and streamline operations.

With us working in enabling the omni channel ecosystem at DAIOM with our data and growth marketing strategies, there were a lot of learnings and networking during the event. 

As a team we took back some great learnings from Gupshup and their customers sessions and partners Meta, Microsoft & Moengage as well.

You can contact us  if you are looking for effective strategies to increase your ROI from digital marketing and enable interesting conversations with your customers.

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